Understanding fatty acids: a guide to omega-3, 6, and 9

Discover the importance of omega fatty acids in our diet. Essential omega-3 and omega-6 fats are crucial for health, influencing inflammation and cell function. Omega-9 fats, though non-essential, support heart health. Balancing these omegas is key, as modern diets often disrupt their optimal ratios. Learn strategies for adjusting your intake and choosing the best cooking oils for health benefits and stability under heat.


The Power of Music in Dementia Care

Explore the remarkable ability of music to evoke memories and emotions in individuals with dementia, and how it remains a powerful form of communication even when traditional language fails. Dive into the neuroscientific insights and therapeutic potential of music in dementia care.

Using Music to Ease Resistance in Dementia Care

Discover the power of music therapy in dementia care. Explore practical tips and actionable strategies to ease resistance and promote well-being through the therapeutic use of music.

Unravelling the Truth About Inflammation: Beyond Calories and Diet Soda Myths

Uncover the hidden causes of low-grade inflammation that may be silently affecting your health. Dive into dietary choices, environmental toxins, stress, and more in this comprehensive blog post.

Can a Person with Dementia Travel Alone? Navigating the Challenges

Travel is a remarkable journey of exploration, self-discovery, and cherished memories. It opens doors to new experiences, cultures, and adventures, offering a sense of freedom and joy. Yet, when dementia becomes a part of the equation, this sense of liberation can give way to questions and concerns about the feasibility and safety of solo travel for individuals with dementia.

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