The FREE 4-Day Smoothie Adventure starts in:


Join the 4-Day Smoothie Adventure, where you'll indulge in four days of nutrient-rich smoothie recipes designed to rejuvenate your skin, accelerate weight loss, and boost your energy. This challenge is packed with delicious smoothies that combine the finest ingredients to help you shed those pounds and give you that radiant glow.

Hi, I'm Dr. Naomi...

As a medical doctor, I became disillusioned with conventional solutions that often masked symptoms rather than addressing the root cause, promising temporary fixes that led to side effects without meaningful healing. I embarked on a quest for genuine wellness, guided by the transformative power of holistic nutrition and the natural benefits of smoothies for weight loss and health.

My mission is simple: to move beyond short-term solutions, promote holistic well-being, and empower individuals to live confidently and healthily through the natural healing potential of food.

The "4-Day Smoothie Adventure" emerged from this journey. It's designed not only to share delicious recipes but also to offer a sustainable path to healthier living that rejuvenates your skin, boosts your energy, and helps you slim down naturally. Together, let's unlock your radiant self and embrace a vibrant life!

Naomi Dongelmans, MD
Integrative General Practitioner

© Dr. Naomi Dongelmans