An elderly woman joyfully blowing a party whistle, symbolizing vitality and celebration

In the quest for a life marked by health and vibrancy, embracing sustainable habits is essential. This guide, courtesy of Dr. Naomi Dongelmans, delves into some critical strategies that can help you foster a lifestyle that’s more centred on healthy living. By integrating these practices into your daily routine, you not only make health a priority but also pave the way for a life replete with vitality and joy. Let’s get started!

Embrace simple workouts

Integrating walking into your daily regimen is a testament to the simplicity and effectiveness of healthy living practices. The benefits of regular walks extend far beyond physical health, touching on mental wellness by improving mood and circulation. This simple act of moving outdoors, and taking in fresh air, embodies the essence of a healthy lifestyle, contributing to overall productivity and well-being. If you’re pressed for time and can’t get outside, look for other ways to get your steps in, such as taking the stairs at work or parking far away from the building.

Shield yourself from harmful elements

Our environment is saturated with elements that can compromise our health, underscoring the importance of healthy living through conscious choices. Opting for organic foods and personal care products shields your body from harmful chemicals. Moreover, adorning your living space with houseplants not only beautifies your home but also serves as a natural detoxifier, purifying the air you breathe.

Discover joy in leisure activities

Engaging in hobbies that bring you joy is a cornerstone of stress management and healthy living. Whether you find solace in painting or peace in the rhythm of gardening, such activities offer a haven from the pressures of everyday life. Immersing yourself in these pursuits allows for a mental break, fostering joy and significantly contributing to your emotional and physical well-being.

Express more gratitude

Another way to facilitate greater wellness and help reduce the anxiety that can build when we get stuck in our own racing thoughts is by expressing more gratitude. Think of those who have meant a lot in your life and thank them for their friendship and assistance – even if it’s just for something relatively small and simple. You can also use cards to express your gratitude. Rather than buying them in the store, try some DIY ideas to add a more personal touch to the gesture. You’ll save money, too!

Seek out walkable adventures

Choosing environments that favour foot traffic significantly enriches the pursuit of a health-oriented lifestyle. Engaging in walks within neighbourhoods designed with pedestrians in mind offers a delightful approach to maintaining physical health and fostering a deeper appreciation for your surroundings. This intentional choice to immerse yourself in walkable locales supports a dynamic and wellness-centric way of life, underscoring the importance of integrating physical activity seamlessly into your daily routine.

Cultivate a mindful appreciation

The practice of gratitude is deeply intertwined with healthy living. By regularly acknowledging and appreciating the positives in life, you cultivate a mindset that enhances mental health and overall happiness. This mindful approach to life not only strengthens emotional resilience but also enriches your journey towards a healthy and fulfilling life.

Give back to your community

Volunteering reflects the ethos of healthy living by promoting physical activity and emotional fulfilment. Dedicating your efforts to community service not only contributes to the well-being of others but also bolsters your own health and sense of purpose. This form of engagement is enriching, aligning with the principles of a life dedicated to health and community.

Another option is to volunteer somewhere else. Heading to another location, especially another country, can be an enriching experience. Explore your options to find the right solution for you!

Prioritize your well-being

Self-care is at the heart of healthy living. Practices such as meditation and yoga are fundamental in maintaining a balance among the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of health. Prioritizing these activities ensures that you are well-equipped to face life's challenges, embodying a holistic approach to health and well-being.

Address gut health concerns

You may have heard it said that the gut is your key to health. In fact, concerns like indigestion, weight gain, and low energy are just a few of the issues that can stem from an imbalance of the digestive system. If you have gastrointestinal problems or other health concerns, it may be time to address your gut health. Not sure where to start? Enroll in the 12-week Happy Gut, Healthy You Program to set you on the right track.

In weaving these time-tested strategies into the fabric of your daily life, you lay a solid foundation for a journey enriched with health, happiness, and balance. Each step, meticulously chosen to enhance your lifestyle, underscores the commitment to healthy living. Remember, the path to a fulfilling and vibrant life is paved with the small, health-conscious choices we make each day, such as walking more often. By embracing these practices, you unlock the door to a lifetime of wellness and vitality.


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