Happy individual showing improved health after following the ten steps to get (and keep) your gut healthy

Are you wondering how to achieve a healthy gut? Confused by the conflicting advice online about bowel cleanses, probiotics, and supplements? Follow these ten steps to improve your gut and bowel health effectively.

1. Avoid processed foods & eat an anti-inflammatory diet

Processed foods are low in nutrients and contain ingredients that harm your microbiome. Diets high in processed foods can lead to bacterial imbalances, blood sugar issues, and yeast overgrowth like Candida. Focus on whole, anti-inflammatory foods to support gut health.

2. Drink filtered water

Consuming water free from impurities reduces the body's overall burden. Proper hydration is crucial for digestion and motility. Simple carbon filters are effective, but reverse osmosis systems are even better!

3. Consume short & medium chain fats

Short chain fats (SCFAs), like butyrate found in grass-fed butter and ghee, and medium chain fats (MCTs), like those in coconut oil, support your microflora. Incorporate these fats into your diet to promote a healthy gut.

4. Use anti-microbial herbs

Herbs like oregano, thyme, peppermint, and basil have anti-microbial properties that help eliminate harmful microbes and promote beneficial ones. Use these herbs daily, either fresh or dried. Supplements like berberine and grapefruit seed extract can also be beneficial—just follow the recommended dosing and cycle their use to avoid disrupting your beneficial bacteria.

Intermittent fasting is one of the ten steps to get (and keep) your gut healthy

5. Practice intermittent fasting

Separate your evening meal and breakfast by at least 12 hours. If blood sugar is not a concern, try fasting for 14-18 hours. For weight management, have a big breakfast, moderate lunch, and a small early dinner, then fast until the next day. Drink plenty of water during fasting to stay hydrated and flush metabolic waste.

6. Add MCT oil to your coffee or green tea

MCT oil contains short and medium chain fatty acids that support microbiome health, while the antioxidants in coffee and green tea also benefit your gut.

7. Take a high-quality probiotic supplement

A high-quality probiotic can significantly improve your gut health. Trusted brands include Smidge, Klaire, and Megafoods. (If you have affiliate links, add them here, or replace these with your preferred brands.)

8. Consume prebiotics

Prebiotics are insoluble fibres that feed gut bacteria. Sources include asparagus, leeks, carrots, onions, garlic, radishes, artichokes, and chicory. If you find fibre makes you gassy, try lower FODMAP options like cabbage, kiwi, chickpeas, and lentils.

9. Get moving

Aim for 2-3 bowel movements daily, with stools that are well-formed and easy to pass. Regular bowel movements help excrete food and metabolic waste. If you struggle with constipation, ensure you’re hydrated, follow the previous steps, and consult your doctor if needed.

Close-up of natural supplements recommended in the ten steps to get (and keep) your gut healthy

10. Natural support

Certain herbs can aid in bowel movements, ease gas, and improve intestinal lining health. Fennel, anise, and peppermint help with gas, bloating, and nausea. Ginger can stimulate peristalsis and soothe nausea. Aloe juice can soothe the intestines, while flax tea and marshmallow root tea support bowel movements.

BONUS tip: Track your progress

Keep a journal of your food and beverage intake, bowel movements, and mood/energy levels. This can help identify trends and triggers affecting your gut health. Print copies of a food journal to get started! Want to learn more 

beautiful food mood poop journal
Want to dive deeper into understanding how your diet, emotions, and digestion are connected? Check out The Food Mood Poop Journal: A Simple Tool to Unlock Your Gut Health on my other blog! Discover how this powerful tool can help you uncover patterns and make informed decisions for better gut health.

Here’s to better gut health!

Curious about what your poop is really telling you?

Your stool is a window into your gut health, revealing critical insights about your digestion, diet, and overall well-being. If you want to learn how to interpret these signals, join my course, "What Your Poop is Telling You."

In this course, you'll discover:

  • How to identify different types of stools and what they mean for your health.
  • The connection between your diet, gut microbiome, and bowel movements.
  • Practical steps to improve your digestion and gut health based on your stool analysis.

Ready to unlock the secrets of your gut?

Sign up for the course today and start taking control of your health from the inside out!

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