The Food-Mood-Poop Journal: A simple tool to unlock your gut health

Welcome to a healthier gut journey! One of the most valuable yet straightforward tools for understanding and improving gut health is the "food-mood-poop" (FMP) journal. You'll uncover patterns and triggers that impact your digestion and overall well-being by tracking what you eat, how you feel, and your bowel movements. Let’s explore how to create your FMP journal and why it's such a potent tool for a healthier gut.

Why Keep an FMP Journal?

  • Identifying triggers: Discover the foods that may cause bloating, discomfort, or mood swings, allowing you to make informed dietary choices.
  • Connecting the dots: See how your emotions and stress levels influence your digestion, making it easier to manage lifestyle factors affecting your gut.
  • Tracking progress: Record changes over time to celebrate your successes and adjust your approach as needed.

Writing in your food mood poop journalHow to Set Up Your Journal

  • Choose your format: Whether it's a notebook, spreadsheet, or digital app, choose a format that suits your style.
  • Create columns or sections: Your journal should include the following:
    • Food: Record each meal, snack, and drink you consume. Be as detailed as possible.
    • Mood: Note your emotional state before and after eating. Consider stress, anxiety, happiness, or energy levels.
    • Poop: Track bowel movements, noting their frequency, consistency (using the Bristol Stool Chart as a guide), and any associated symptoms like urgency or discomfort.

Tips for Effective Journaling

  • Be consistent: Try to make entries shortly after each meal or daily at a regular time to maintain accuracy.
  • Add context: Note any significant life events, exercise routines, sleep quality, or medications that could influence your digestion or mood.
  • Reflect regularly: Review your entries weekly or biweekly to identify patterns and triggers. Are certain foods consistently causing bloating or discomfort? Is stress affecting your digestion?

Next Steps

  • Make adjustments: If you notice clear triggers, consider eliminating or reducing them in your diet while working on stress management strategies.
  • Consult a professional: Share your findings with a healthcare provider for more tailored advice. An expert can help interpret patterns and guide you in making sustainable changes.
  • Celebrate wins: Small improvements matter. Celebrate changes like reduced bloating, better energy, or more regular bowel movements!


The food-mood-poop journal is a practical, empowering tool to understand your unique gut health needs. By documenting and reflecting on your diet, emotions, and bowel movements, you'll have a clear path toward improved digestion and overall wellness. Start today, and take one step closer to a healthier gut!

1 Comment

  1. prebenna cristina  05/27/2024 02:03 AM Central
    Merci Naomi pour ces conseils, je vais essayer cela et te tiendrai au courant

    Dr. Naomi Dongelmans AUTHOR  05/31/2024 08:43 AM Central
    Bonjour Cristina,

    Merci beaucoup pour ton message ! Je suis ravie que tu trouves ces conseils utiles. J'espère que le Food-Mood-Poop Journal t'aidera à améliorer ta santé intestinale. N'hésite pas à me tenir au courant de tes progrès.

    Bisous, Naomi

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