Elderly woman with dementia walking in a garden, highlighting wandering behaviour: Ensuring safety for your loved one.

Wandering is a common behaviour among individuals with dementia, and as caregivers, we understand the concerns it raises. Balancing their safety with maintaining their dignity and sense of independence is crucial. In this blog post, we delve into practical strategies to ensure your loved one's safety when they wander while respecting their autonomy. We aim to provide guidance promoting their well-being and supporting a nurturing caregiving environment.

Understanding wandering

Wandering is often a manifestation of restlessness, confusion, or disorientation commonly experienced by individuals with dementia. It can occur at any stage of the disease and may be triggered by various factors, such as boredom, stress, or a need to fulfil past routines. Recognizing the underlying causes and patterns of wandering can help you develop effective strategies for prevention and intervention.

Creating a safe environment

One of the key approaches to ensuring your loved one's safety when they wander is to create a safe environment. Here are some measures you can take:

Secure exits

Installing door alarms, locks, or deadbolts is an effective way to prevent unauthorized exits and ensure the safety of your loved one. However, it's important to consider both the pros and cons of these security measures. Here are some factors to consider:


  • Prevention of wandering: Door alarms and locks act as a deterrent, reducing the chances of your loved one wandering out of the house without supervision.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing that you have measures in place to prevent unauthorized exits can provide a sense of security and peace of mind.


  • Constant monitoring: Door alarms that alert you when doors are opened may result in frequent notifications, especially if your loved one tends to open doors throughout the day or night. This may disrupt your sleep or daily activities.
  • False alarms: There is a possibility of false alarms triggering the door alarms, such as if a door is left slightly ajar or due to technical malfunctions. This can lead to unnecessary interruptions and potential stress or anxiety for you as a caregiver.
Evaluating your situation and considering what works best for you and your loved one is essential. Some caregivers may find comfort in being informed at all times, even for minor door openings, as it provides security and peace of mind. Others may prefer to strike a balance between security and minimizing unnecessary notifications.

To mitigate the cons mentioned above, you can explore options such as adjusting sensitivity settings on door alarms or utilizing smart home technologies that allow you to monitor door activity remotely. 

Ultimately, finding the right balance between security and practicality is key. Regularly reassess your loved one's wandering patterns and behaviour to determine the most appropriate measures to keep them safe while considering your own well-being and sleep quality. 

Before we delve into a few tips on reducing the urge to wander and minimizing the need for constant monitoring, it's worth mentioning the potential benefits of GPS trackers.

GPS tracking device for dementia patients, showcasing wandering behaviour: Ensuring safety for your loved one.

GPS tracking

Consider utilizing assistive technologies like GPS tracking devices or wearable location monitors. These innovative tools can offer caregivers additional security and peace of mind.

While GPS tracking devices can be valuable tools, it's important to consider individual preferences, privacy concerns, and the potential impact on your loved one's sense of independence. Open and honest communication with your loved one about the purpose and benefits of using these devices can help foster understanding and cooperation.

Remember, GPS trackers are just one aspect of a comprehensive approach to wandering management. Now, let's explore some tips for reducing the urge to wander and minimizing the need for constant monitoring.

Maintain a structured routine

Establishing a predictable daily routine can help reduce restlessness and confusion, minimizing the urge to wander. Incorporate regular activities, meals, and rest periods to provide stability and familiarity.

Enhance supervision

Increase supervision during peak wandering periods, such as late afternoon or evening. Engage in activities together, provide companionship, or enlist the help of a respite caregiver to ensure constant supervision.

Engage in meaningful activities

Encourage engagement in purposeful activities that stimulate the mind and provide a sense of fulfilment. Activities such as puzzles, hobbies, or sensory stimulation can help redirect restless energy and reduce wandering tendencies.

Home safety modifications to prevent wandering in dementia patients, illustrating wandering behaviour: Ensuring safety for your loved one.

Create visual cues

Use visual cues throughout the home to aid navigation and minimize confusion. Clear signage, labelled rooms, and visual prompts can help your loved one find their way and reduce the likelihood of getting lost.

Secure outdoor spaces

If your loved one enjoys spending time outdoors, create a secure outdoor area where they can safely engage in activities. Install fencing or use natural barriers to create boundaries and prevent wandering beyond designated areas.

Communication & Identification

If your loved one does wander, it is crucial to be prepared. Consider the following steps:

Keep identification handy

Ensure your loved one always carries identification, such as an ID bracelet or necklace, with their name, address, and contact information. This information can assist others in quickly reuniting them with you.

Notify neighbours & local authorities

Inform trusted neighbours, local law enforcement, and community services about your loved one's wandering tendencies. Provide them with a recent photograph and any relevant information to aid in their safe return if they are found.

Establish a safety network

Create a network of family members, friends, and neighbours who can assist in searching for your loved one in case of an episode of wandering. Share your contact information with them and keep them updated on any changes in your loved one's behaviour or routines.

Caring for yourself

Caring for a loved one who wanders can be physically and emotionally demanding. It is crucial to prioritize self-care to maintain your well-being. Consider the following:

Seek support

Connect with local support groups, online communities, or caregiver organizations. Share your experiences, learn from others, and find emotional support. Surrounding yourself with individuals who understand your challenges can provide valuable insights and a sense of community.

Take breaks

Allow yourself regular breaks and respite from caregiving responsibilities. This time for self-care is essential for recharging, reducing stress, and preventing burnout.

Educate yourself

Learn as much as you can about dementia and wandering behaviours. Understanding the underlying causes and triggers can help you develop effective strategies and responses.

Practice self-compassion

Recognize that you are doing your best as a caregiver. It's important to be gentle with yourself and acknowledge that some situations are beyond your control. Remember to celebrate the small victories and seek support when needed.


Ensuring the safety of your loved one when they wander requires a proactive and multi-faceted approach. You can minimise the risks associated with wandering behaviours by creating a safe environment, maintaining a structured routine, utilizing technology, and implementing communication strategies.

Remember, caring for yourself is as important as caring for your loved one. Seek support, practice self-care, and stay informed to navigate the challenges of wandering with resilience and compassion.

If you have any further questions or need additional guidance, don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to support you on your caregiving journey.


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