Blog 7 selfcare tips for caregivers

Here are 7 tips about SelfCare for you as a caregiver. You know you NEED self-care to thrive and survive.

Find something positive 

Little things like saying thank you to someone for a small gesture such as holding the door, expressing your appreciation to a spouse/partner, coworker or child and writing thank you notes for gifts can make a difference for both you and the other person. Write down several things each day that you are grateful for or appreciate. It helps to identify five things that went well or left you feeling gratitude at the end of the day. 

Learn to relax

Rest and relaxation are critical to managing stress and minimizing anxiety. Those who find it difficult to let go and relax may find yoga, breathing or stress management classes helpful. Regulating your breath has a calming effect on the mind and loosens tension held in the body. Sitting quietly at home for 5-10 minutes each day to simply be aware of your breathing can enhance relaxation. 

Move around every day

Exercise and movement can include gardening, playing with your pets, dancing, stretching, etc. Movement improves cardiovascular health, flexibility, strengthens muscles and improves mental health. 

Engage in good conversation

Spending time with good friends, even online or on the phone, and engaging in stimulating conversation with a neighbour is good for the soul (mind and body). When we share our thoughts with others, we establish an emotional and mental connection that can be refreshing and heartwarming. 

Get enough sleep

Good sleep hygiene involves cutting out caffeine after 5 PM, turning off electronics two hours before bedtime, eating your last meal two or more hours before you turn in for the night, going to bed early enough to get 6-8 hours of sleep, darkening the room you sleep in, and so on. 

Treat yourself regularly

See a movie, eat dinner at a restaurant, sit in the park, get a massage, buy yourself flowers – whatever you enjoy – do that for yourself. 

Engage in a hobby

Build an airplane, play cards, get lost in good books, take up sewing or knitting – anything that relaxes you – do that. 

Want to learn more about self-care for caregivers? Contact me.


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