When you are busy creating new habits to improve your life, remember that you can have a new habit for each area of your life. You don’t have to be restricted to just healthy habits or just regular daily habits. There are many different types of habits that will benefit you greatly.
Where are you falling behind?
Before creating your first new habit, think of where in your life you are falling behind. This doesn’t mean you are an outright failure, but just an area of your life where you don’t focus as much attention as the other areas of your life. Most people have at least one. This might mean you work hard, but neglect your health. Or you eat very healthy, but you have trouble saving money. Maybe you don’t get enough sleep because you are always distracted at night.
This can tell you what areas need improving first before moving on to other habits.
What do you complain about the most?
Another way to figure out where your new habits should start is based on what you tend to complain about. Think about the last time you complained to someone or yourself about what isn’t going your way, or what isn’t working in your life. Do you complain that you are always late to work? What about the fact that your bills are late, or your clothes don’t fit? Are you frustrated because you never have enough time to get everything done? These are good signs of where your habits should start.
Choosing your new habits
Remember that even if you come up with a list of new habits to form in your life, you still want to start with just one at a time. Even if you have 5 small habits all for the same end result, you want to start with just one of them before moving on to the next.
How do you know it is time to develop a new habit? When the last one you created is something you don’t even have to think about anymore. That is when you know you are ready for the next habit.
They aren’t always something you constantly think about. It might be your cup of coffee in the morning or the way you drive to work. What you want to do now is create new habits that will further improve your health and your life.
Healthy habits you can start today
Do you feel like your physical or emotional health is falling behind these days? Have you created some big health-related goals you are having trouble reaching? If so, it is time to form some healthy habits. Your habits should always be formed before setting goals, as this is exactly what is going to help achieve those goals.
Here are some healthy habits you can start doing today that will make a big difference in your overall health and wellness.
Wake up early to exercise
If you are having trouble fitting in exercise into your busy schedule, try adding it early in the morning. Yes, waking up earlier is going to be an adjustment, but you will appreciate it for the rest of the day. You are getting your workout done and out of the way early in the morning, it will boost your energy, and make you feel happier and more confident.

Get more fresh air
This is a simple habit, right? Try to make it a point to get more fresh air each day. This might mean walking your dog instead of just letting them out in the backyard, or enjoying your lunch outside each day while you are at work. Play with your kids outside and go for a hike on the weekends. Do whatever it takes to get in more fresh air and sunshine.
Eat your meals mindfully
Are you having trouble sticking to a healthier diet? If so, don’t start with changing WHAT you eat, but HOW you eat. Start just by eating more mindfully. Don’t use your phone and don’t watch any TV while you eat. Sit at a table or desk where there aren’t other distractions, and just focus on the food you are eating.
Get enough sleep
This is a habit many people neglect, assuming it’s not important. But sleep is much more than just not feeling tired the next day. Sleep is absolutely essential for your health and well-being. It is needed to reduce stress, feel energized, have proper focus and concentration, manage your weight and physical health, keep your cardiovascular health in check, and so much more. If you can only start one habit, it should be a better sleep routine, so you are getting better quality sleep.
Here is your daily habit challenge
Challenge Day 1
Commit to exercising at least 15 minutes a day.
Write down what exercises you love doing
Challenge Day 2
Step out of the office or your house for 15 minutes and get some Vitamin D. Breathe in the fresh air.
Write down the days/times you will COMMIT!
Challenge Day 3
Eat with Intention. Eat foods that give you energy. Eat while sitting down. Chew our food 10-20 times. Enjoy every bite.
Write down the foods that fuel you daily.
Challenge Day 4
Turn off the electrics. Create a scared bedtime ritual. I love lavender in my diffuser and writing a gratitude list in my JOURNAL! :)
Write down your nighttime ritual.
Challenge Day 5
Create a daily habit calendar.
- Step 1 is to create your daily schedule.
- Step 2 is to put the calendar on your fridge, at work and keep a copy in your purse or briefcase.
- Step 3 is to keep to your goals.

How a journal can help with your habits
Forming new habits is a wonderful way to improve your life, reach your goals, and have the motivation and momentum to accomplish anything you want. Tracking is a bit part of habits, as well as understanding exactly what is expected of you. This is where using a journal can come in handy.
Use your journal when creating new habits
The first way a journal is going to help you is during the beginning stages when you are deciding on the habits you want to form in your life. You can start by talking about where in your life you want to improve, or some goals you have. Maybe you come up with a few different daily habits you feel would get you closer to your goals, starting just one at a time.
Journaling before you set your habits can also help you to work out the details. You know which ones to start with, what the daily habit and schedule should be, and how they can fit into your current lifestyle.
Combine habits with your goals
You will also have some habits that are related to the goals you have set for yourself. These habits help you to complete tasks required for your goals, all of which can be tracked right there in your journal. It makes it a lot easier to see how things are progressing and see that you are working toward a goal. This can create a feeling of accomplishment, clarity, and awareness about how hard you are working toward something.
Track the progress of the habit
Naturally, your journal will also be used to track your new habits. Remember to include the start date, what the habit is, why you are doing it, and track each day, including if you kept up with that new habit, and how it is going.
Look for ways to improve the results
If you feel like your habit isn’t quite giving you the results you wanted, don’t quit it just yet. Use your journal to really work out what has been going on and where you think it might be going wrong. Sometimes, it is because you were not consistent with it or not working hard enough on the new habit. In other ways, there is just one small detail about it that needs to be changed. Journaling is going to help with this from the time when you create your habits, throughout the entire tracking process.
Download the challenge
Take the "5-Day Healthy Habit Challenge" with you wherever you go! Download the challenge as a convenient PDF to print and track your progress each day. Whether you’re at home or on the move, having this guide at your fingertips will keep you motivated and focused.
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