Uncovering the Hidden Causes of Low-Grade Inflammation

Discover the concealed triggers of low-grade inflammation that may be affecting your well-being. From dietary choices to stress management, environmental toxins, and microbiome balance, this blog uncovers the secrets to better health.

Unravelling the Truth About Inflammation: Beyond Calories and Diet Soda Myths

Uncover the hidden causes of low-grade inflammation that may be silently affecting your health. Dive into dietary choices, environmental toxins, stress, and more in this comprehensive blog post.

The Microbiome: A Happy Belly for a Happy Life

Blog sundowning and dementia
Discover the fascinating world of the microbiome and its crucial role in your health. From the moment of birth, learn how your gut flora shapes your well-being, mental capabilities, and even your risk for diseases like dementia and diabetes. Don't miss Dr. Naomi's insights and her upcoming talk, "Happy Belly, Happy Brain," at the FREE 5-Day Women's Health and Hormone Summit!