Caring for elderly parents: 4 tips for avoiding caregiver burnout
Read more...Taking care of a loved one who has dementia is a huge responsibility and is very time-consuming. It can bring a lot of stress and frustration. You devote all your time to your loved one and you don’t have time for yourself anymore.
Read more...Kale grows well in the winter and is easy to find at any grocery store. It is a superfood filled with vitamins and minerals, and is great for many diets, from clean eating to Paleo or Keto. Here are four different types of kale salads to try out this winter.
Read more...Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive degenerative disease that destroys a person’s cognitive skills and abilities, including thinking, reasoning, learning and retention, communication, and sometimes even motor skills. While much of the research currently being done on Alzheimer’s disease is on finding a cure and treatment for the symptoms, considerable progress has also been made in Alzheimer's prevention.
Read more...Make sure your mental fatigue lessens by doing the right exercises.
Read more...Being a caregiver can be stressful and difficult. It involves contradictory feelings, thoughts and frustrations. Journaling your thoughts and feelings will definitely help you cope with the situation.
Read more...What are the causes of visual hallucination in the elderly and how can it be prevented. Learn about Charles Bonnet.
Read more...One thing you can do for self-care is exercise. Making exercise enjoyable is critical if you want to stick with it and make it a part of your daily routine.
Read more...When it comes to finding your true life’s purpose, the key to achieving what you want may lie in your ability to utilize visualization to achieve it.
Read more...When you’re a primary caregiver responsible for the well-being of your father, mother, or another person, it’s easy to become obsessed with the details. But it’s also important to relax and let go at times.
Learn to care with less tension and more ease.